Thinking About Our Skin as We Transition From Summer to Fall

Woman smiling in autumn weather wearing jacket

With summer ending and cooler weather just around the corner, many of us spend our last weeks outdoors in the sun before the pumpkin spice and sweaters come out. And although temperatures may start to drop, it’s essential to keep practicing sun safety, even when the weather cools down. Keeping your skin safe means sun protection, even when it’s overcast or cooler outside. Fortunately, there are many options and ways we can do this. With so many different sun protection options and the overwhelming advice readily available online and on social media, it’s easy to overlook the easy, everyday approaches we can take to avoid getting excess UV exposure.

3 Simple Skin Tricks for Late Summer and Early Fall

  • Seek shade, even when it’s overcast
  • Sunscreen, so many new options
  • Post-exposure plan

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Am I Missing Out on The Power of Lasers in My Skincare Routine?

woman receiving laser skincare therapy to treat UV damage

You can’t turn to an online blog, fashion magazine, or social media feed without coming across incredible images and testimonials about the power of skincare lasers. And while the research and results seem impressive, the overwhelming amount of information is often not. How do we sort through all this information, weighing each laser, their effects, and which skin types they benefit from? And, importantly, when and where you should consider doing it?

Let’s talk about these advances and where we are in this significant new era of dermatological technology.

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Masseter Botox. When Is It Appropriate and What Should You Consider?

As you may know, Botox is a muscle relaxing injection therapy using a neurotoxin (botulinum toxin) to paralyze muscles and make wrinkles and fine lines look smoother and less noticeable. Millions of people employ this proven treatment as an anti-aging tool with excellent results. But, while most people think of Botox as a treatment for facial aging, there are many other uses for the injection, including for your masseter muscles – the ones that regulate your jaw’s chewing motion.

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How Much Should Body Sculpting Cost?

How Much Should Body Sculpting Cost?

Body sculpting, including Coolsculpting and Emsculpt, has, for good reason, dramatically increased in popularity over the past decade. For patients needing fat sculpting, or in the case of Emsculpt, muscle contouring, non-invasive treatments have become far more effective and desirable over the years. Compared to the prior option of surgical fat removal in the form of liposuction, the results for certain parts of the body and recovery time are very favorable. Further, patients can target their last small areas of fat accumulation that previously could not be treated using liposuction. Improvements in technology have made these in-office procedures more accurate, more effective, and less costly.

Of course, as with any cosmetic procedure, there is the question of cost, and in this blog, we will discuss the treatment options that can affect that.

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Doing Filler Right – Getting That Natural Look

xperienced doctor with purple gloves uses the right filler can create a natural look in patient's lips

One of the most concerning parts about having filler injected is the possibility that it will look unnatural. We’ve all seen it, filler jobs gone wrong that either cause unevenness in the treatment area or make the person look like a caricature of themselves. It is important to remember that injecting the filler itself is relatively straightforward but making sure that it looks natural and not overwhelming is an entirely different story and more of an art than science. Today, we talk about doing filler right for the very best results and what next steps you should take.

It is essential to mention that dermal fillers today are far more advanced than just a few years ago. Therefore, if you’ve heard of less-than-ideal results from someone who had filler years ago, those concerns have probably been addressed. An experienced injector and the right filler can create a natural look. But how can you make sure you get the best results?

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Tretinoin and Retinol Which Therapy Should You Choose?

Woman washes face and wonder whether she should Choose Tretinoin or Retinol

Retinoids are popular skin care products that penetrate your skin and help boost its youthful appearance by reducing the lines and wrinkles that come with age. These deep penetrating, fast-acting Vitamin A derivatives help restore the natural production of elastin and collagen that we lose as we age. Unlike topical exfoliators that remove dead skin cells, retinoids work deep in the skin’s middle layer known as the dermis. As you research skin care treatments, you will likely come across retinol and tretinoin. Both are similar in chemical composition but can have very different results. Before deciding which one to use, it is important to understand the differences between these two products. Let’s dive in:

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Coolsculpting vs. EMsculpt – Similar Name, Same Results?

Woman confidently shows off her slim curves in bikini after fat elimination treatments in Atlanta

Remember when they told us there was no solution to spot reducing stubborn fat, bulges, “back rolls,” and that double chin? Remember when you’d walk into a gym and think ordering a six-pack meant the same thing you mastered in college and realized it wasn’t as easy? And yet, despite the naysayers, at one point or other, we’ve all hoped the endless crunches and an honest go with the Thighmaster would magically handle the soft middle that stood in the way of our swimsuit-ready washboard. Guilty.

But times have changed. With greater knowledge of the body, our lifestyles, and advances in science, we are in what some may consider the Golden Age of Dermatology – a rich period of advanced technology, skilled and committed professionals, and patients who are not only aware and educated about their options, but for whom skincare is no longer a second thought – or no thought at all. We want to better ourselves, and while all procedures require commitment and hard work, the payoff is miles ahead of what could have been done only a few short years ago.

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Can You Reverse Sun Damage to Your Skin?

Woman lays on beach sunbathing thinking that the sun damage to her skin can be reversed

As temperatures rise, so do our opportunities to spend more time outdoors. The start of summer is right around the corner, meaning longer days under the sun and in the water. For most of us, we’ve been doing this summer thing all-out for as long as we can remember. Whether sunbathing, tanning, laying out, sun-worshipping — however, you want to phrase it, most of us have spent our fair share of time in the sun without adequate protection.  And while we have multiple resources now, including social media, health and wellness blogs, and new research to indicate that extensive time in the sun can be damaging both to the health of our skin as well as to our aesthetics, in years past, this information wasn’t as readily available. This generation might be surprised to know what we used to do on our skin to get a tan (baby oil and iodine, anyone?) and surprised to learn that, just like seatbelts, wearing sunscreen was optional back then. But we know better now.

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Get That Glowing Skin on Your Wedding Day

Atlanta bride is thrilled with her results after using North Atlanta Dermatology's bridal services before her wedding

You’ve probably imagined every aspect of your wedding for as long as you can remember. Before the engagement ring slipped fully down your finger, you already knew the dress, shoes, hair, first song, and your something blue. Pinterest, Instagram, childhood-bedroom corkboard – no matter how you’ve been gearing up, you know what you want. While the pre-wedding countdown includes many lists (lists of lists!), we tend to overlook some important line items, whether you’re planning your wedding or hiring a team to pull it off. And one of those could last as long as your “I do’s:” Your skin.

Whether it’s getting into better shape or getting healthy, brides use their wedding day to show the world their best selves.  And skincare is a big part of that. We’re not talking about a bridal shower, spa day, or the pre-wedding makeup prep; we’re talking about a well-thought-out skin wellness strategy that can give you the glow you’ve always wanted and accentuates your features long after the big day. But not only will it enhance the way you look and feel and change those forever photographs, but it can be the most fabulous wedding gift to yourself. A lifelong understanding and commitment to the health and look of your skin is priceless.

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Will Body Contouring Help Me Lose Weight?

Will Body Contouring Help Me Lose Weight?

Patient knows what to expect from non-surgical body contouring procedure at North Atlanta Dermatology in terms to fat loss and weight loss

Body contouring – the elimination of fat in certain body parts – has become a very popular treatment both in our practice and throughout the country. Body contouring represents a relatively low-risk and non-invasive way to eliminate some of the unsightly fat accumulation that we develop due to getting older. While we believe in body sculpting as a viable option for patients who wish to improve the appearance of their bodies without surgical intervention, it is also our responsibility to ensure our patients understand the limitations of these procedures and the expectations they should have when choosing whether it is suitable for them.

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Our Locations

North Atlanta Dermatology has five locations around Northern Atlanta to serve you.

Duluth Office

3850 Pleasant Hill Road
Duluth, Georgia 30096

Suwanee Office

3370 Paddocks Pkwy.
Suwanee, GA 30024

Hamilton Office

3331 Hamilton Mill, Suite 1106
Buford, GA 30519

Cumming Office

1230 Bald Ridge Marina Rd., Suite 300
Cumming, GA 30041

Marietta Office

1519 Johnson Ferry Road, Suite 175
Marietta, GA 30062